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Nama-nama presiden Indonesia

Berikut ini merupakan nama-nama presiden Republik Indonesia sejak Indonesia merdeka pada 17 Agustus 1945:

1. Dr. Ir. H. Soekarno (18 Agustus 1945 - 12 Maret 1967)

2. H. M. Soeharto (12 Maret 1967 - 21 Mei 1998)

3. Prof. Dr. Ing. H. BJ. Habibie (21 Mei 1998 - 20 Oktober 1999)

4. Abdurrahman Wahid / Gusdur (20 Oktober 1999 - 23 Juli 2001)

5. Dr. Hj. Dyah Permata Setyawati Megawati Soekarno Putri (23 Juli 2001 - 20 Oktober 2004)

6. Prof. Dr. H. Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (20 Oktober 2004 - 20 Oktober 2009)

7. Prof. Dr. H. Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (20 Oktober 2009 - 20 Oktober 2014)

8. Ir. H. Joko Widodo (20 Oktober 2014 - Sekarang)

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Contoh Text Hortatory

Text Hortatory Lectures are a high level of education after a low education. From kindergarten, elementary, junior high, high school then can reach the final education that is CULTURE. In low education a person is called by a student or a student but after their college name has changed from student to student or coed. Lectures can not guarantee a person's success. Lots of people out there are successful without college. Like Bill Gates who created Microsoft. He did not go to college but he managed to succeed with his invention. Then WHY WE SHOULD KULK? The answer is very clear that the purpose of the lecture is not to achieve success. But the real purpose of college is to seek knowledge and experience. People assume that lectures are a waste of time. That is wrong. People who think like that are just fools. With college we will get a lot of benefits. Among them are we will be more confident, more mature, and certainly will be younger to get a job. Therefore our c